Without fear or favor
The image is about parenting – nurture – unlimited care, sacrifice, solace, unquestioned, natural
The color is close to the core of life and procreation/creation – warm in a way beyond the human attachment – the unthinking bond we have to protect and nurture our children. Shades of color are depths of intensity without the angst that comes with personal connection – I get the title in this depth – fear and favor come with attachment – these shades hint at what is beneath that
Swanky Pumps
I don’t get the title here – this one is sad for me. The games and constructs we involve ourselves in – sometimes building on past experience, always a push to create a distance between ourselves and experience – something to attract our attention – or rather distract our attention from the deep connection that is happening regardless of our attention. Also, something to present to make the underlying wound less obvious to the world. Maybe that is where swanky pumps come in – although to me – swanky pumps are sad and the fact we indulge ourselves there is more sad.
Separate and simultaneous
Whoa!! The flash of brilliant intensity this covers is intense. Brighter than white. Complicated, multifaceted, and detailed. Hints of the stone people by the sea. The stone people are also multi-faceted with their shades of dark intensity. This one grows on me each time I look.
Rules of the game
Complicated, multi-dimensional, many levels each with inter-relationships, this one takes figuring out, puzzling through, teasing apart. This is one complex game mate! Not much joy here.
Invalid In valid
Fog on the shore. Hiding detail within detail. The detail on the surface must represent a deeper hidden pattern that exists so much more strongly within the clouds of fog. It must be that way – Life – meaning – patterns – unseen – invisible but existing – it has to be there – such intense need to believe that it is there
I burnt my hand on a hot cake
Damn hot in there behind the covers. I want this in my life on a cold winter’s day. Only that one woodstove in the big room. I love how the light and warmth show through the surface shapes and experience written over top.
Dos Cuba Libras
Reminds me of how the mind can curl the edges of the trees, fractals, and within that more aliveness than can be captured in a clean photograph. Like the life Emily Carr depicts in a tree – I think that is coming from the curved lines in the piece.
Coincidence was responsible
Oh dear…. What a mess you made in that one. How can those destructive moments be related to you – such unnecessary pain that sets back the evolution of spirit so far. The title says to me – I could not have been responsible for that mess. It is so far from my evolutionary intention – shit happens – but not really – there is always responsibility if we have the courage to admit it past the gates of self-image.
Ala Ahey
I love the detailed sub-panel at the bottom. Like the distance view to putting the close view, we see in the middle of the frame in perspective. Sometimes you really need the big picture to have any clue about the in your face experience.
Brian Bird